08 February 2022


LFTs to 22 January

How immune can you be?  Is the Booster enough?  Here is the experiment.

On Boxing Day I tested positive for Covid using two brands of Lateral Flow Tests.  Symptoms were mild and consistent with Omicron, such as a gravelly voice.  The Booster not enough to stop catching it. 

On 28 December the test was negative, and daily morning tests since have all been negative.  That's 43 consecutive days apparently not infectious.  4 + 31 + 8 [Update 1/3/22: 4+31+28+1 = 64 days].  A slight concern on Thursday 3 February, with a slight cough and feeling groggy. But an extra LFT that evening proved negative.

LFTs to 31 January
Whilst a negative test isn't a guarantee of not being infected, it is a very good indication that not infectious.

How has [64] negative days been achieved?  By keeping indoors away from other people?  Quite the opposite.

LFTs to 8 February
From New Years Eve to this last weekend, I have attended over 30 potentially super-spreader music events of at least 3 hours each. Every weekend evening plus often mid week. [Update: Lost count, frankly]  Mixing closely with hundreds of other people, with no additional precautions.  The result has been no Delta infection, no repeat of Omicron.

There's no control, and a sample of only one.  But this represents an experiment suggesting that Covid immunity is provided by a combination of:

  • Triple-vaxed against Delta and earlier variants (which didn't stop Omicron)
  • Natural immunity from Omicron infection

Dare I say freedom?

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