- Avoid possibility of venue staff contacting you. There have been a number of examples of ladies being pestered.
- Given the app keeps you anonymous, avoids risk of a £1000 fine resulting from not self-isolating when asked to from the manual records. For example because you know you found a quiet corner of the pub well away from other people, or were at a venue for only five minutes, so the chance of catching COVID-19 was remote
This is just one example of where the new COVID-19 fines are counter-productive. You also potentially expose yourself to a £1000 fine if you are told to self-isolate because:
(a) You have gone for a COVID-19 test and it is positive
(b) You have answered the phone from a contact tracer who tells you to self-isolate. Maybe why the Test and Trace stats show so few people are contacted
Obviously we should self-isolate if we are displaying symptoms, or know we have been in close contact with someone who has. The question is whether we should do so if there is a minimal chance of infection, under threat of a fine few people could afford to pay?
My understanding is that these fines are levied as Fixed Penalty Notices. Just like parking tickets. Pay them and all is forgotten. Don't pay them or can't pay them, and it goes to court where you could gain a criminal record. The same applies to all other COVID-19 fines to individuals and businesses.
We are assured that fines will only be issued as a last resort, but the threat is counter-productive and unacceptable. These self-isolation fines should be scrapped immediately.
All other COVID-19 fines should be similarly reviewed and scrapped or modified accordingly.
We are going to have to live with COVID-19 for the foreseeable future. Voluntary compliance is going to be increasingly important. Fines should only be in place when vital.
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