22 September 2020


Let's get music venues open
Note: This was written before PM Johnson's speech to House of Commons 22/9/20
Update 24/9/20 after Chancellor Sunak announced financial support measures.  In tital, the fundamental Government policy has not changed significantly enough for this analysis to need adjustment: 

Over the last 6 months the UK Government has arguably done too little too late, and decisive action is now needed.

We've previously looked at the benefits of #NearZero strategy.  To get life back to near-normal before the arrival of a safe and effective vaccine.  That would include ending the "interval" in live entertainment, the most difficult industry to unlock.

We need to find the best balance between lives, livelihoods and life.

Here's the comparison of #NearZero to where we find ourselves after six months of this Government's "Too little too late" policies:

Risk of meeting someone infectious Low risk Unacceptable, increasing risk
Deaths  Low number Increasing number
LongCOVID Low number Increasing number

Testing capacity constraints Keep within Overload testing capacity
Do ‘normal’ activities Most normal activities Increasingly stopped
Shielding people  Let them get back to life Back to shielding (or ought to be)
Indoors – restaurants, pubs, etc Safe Increasingly unsafe
Nightlife - theatres, concerts, gigs, nightclubs Open in accordance with NTIA guidance Stay closed
Sports events Attend them Not attend events, have to stop them

Preparation for winter Prepared Unprepared
NHS staff Protecting them Overloaded

Universities  Keep open, face to face Risk of closure
Schools  Keep open Start-stop pupils being sent home
Parents Keep at work Start-stop at home to look after kids, catch disease
Public transport Be safe, with masks Unsafe
Workplaces Keep open Stop/start, unable to plan
All leading to:

Economy  Grow quickly Stunted

Here are the benefits of #NearZero in diagrammatic form:


Some people are suggesting that we should now follow the Swedish approach.  That was actually similar to how the UK Government started in February/March. but there are some key reasons why that approach would not work in UK, neither then nor now:
  • In the UK, there was a bigger threat of the NHS being overrun.  
  • Even with the additional capacity of the Nightingale hospitals, that is still the case, with the additional consequence of very high death numbers again
  • The Swedish culture is more about looking after one another than in UK.  They had a voluntary lockdown, for example with as little internal travel as  neighbouring countries
  • They stopped gatherings of more than 50 people
  • They kept most schools open, but closed educational estanlishments for the over 16s
The best alternative is to drive down infections to #NearZero


Whatever the measures needed to get to #NearZero, the benefits in lives, livelihoods and economy can only be achieved with a financial investment from the UK Government.  The payback to the Treasury of a stronger economic recovery would be massive.

Public information and education needs to step up a gear, explaining and persuading through the whys not just the whats.  The only way to get to #NearZero and importantly stay there.

We can't drift on like this.  Let's get to #NearZero, open the economy and benefit in so many ways!

Here's a more detailed analysis.

Update 22/9/20: PM Johnson has now announced various changes to national restrictions , subject to debate "next week" 

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