07 September 2020


Back in early August I had a chat with my doctor who 'threatened' me with a short sharp 800 calorie weight-loss diet.  The problem wasn't so much the diet, though it certainly didn't sound appetising, but the distinct possibility that I would put the weight straight back on afterwards.

So I sat down with my accumulated knowledge of dieting techniques and some fresh ideas, and designed a new approach.  Intended to be a sustainable lifestyle change, but also providing a significant weight loss each week. So far in less than 4 weeks I have lost well over a stone, at 5 pounds a week on average.

I'm enjoying my food, and I am pleasantly surprised how easy it has become.  Far better than I dared hope.

So here is the new blog.  Your route to weight loss, or indeed weight gain if you need it.

Plus the advantages of nectarines.  Gorgeous!

Here is a link to the principles and how to get started.

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